
Grant Winner Instructions

Congratulations on winning a grant!


Please check out the appropriate section below to find instructions and frequently-asked questions on how to access grant funding within your district.


District 87 Grant Winners

Who manages your grant funds and how are purchases made?

The office staff in your building will put in a purchase order for the items in your budget. Your funds are in the
building budget under the Beyond the Books account. Orders cannot be submitted until the beginning of the new
fiscal year in July. All grant funds must be spent within the fiscal year.

Are grant winners allowed to purchase items themselves and turn in receipts for re-imbursement?

No - unfortunately not.

Who to contact with questions about your grant?

If you have further questions about the grant process you may contact the office staff in your building.

Unit 5 Grant Winners

Who manages your grant funds and how are purchases made?

The Unit 5 District Office will put in a purchase order for the items in your budget. You can discuss your needs with
the office prior to the end of the school year, but actual orders cannot be submitted until the beginning of the new
fiscal year in July. All grant funds must be spent within the fiscal year.


Are grant winners allowed to purchase items themselves and turn in receipts for re-imbursement?

No - unfortunately not.


Who to contact with questions about your grant?

If you have further questions about the grant process you may contact the Unit 5 Assistant Superintendent’s Office.